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Pest Services Area

Asian house shrew is always misunderstood as rodent. According to the house in Malaysia suncus murinus (Linnaeus). He usually has a smoke-gray color, with a long tail that looks hairless. It weighs about 40-80g. Both humans and cats do not like custard of the house due to the strong odor of the musk. The mature female has three pairs of mammals, located in two short lines in the groin.

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There are 2 species of bedbug that bite humans, regular bedbug (Cinex lectularius) which are mainly in simple climates and tropical bedbug (Cinex hemipterus) that are found mainly in the tropics. Even though the bedbug is very annoying due to its bite and also its tempering characteristics while bleeding, blood but its nature as a carrier of disease is not known to be crowded.

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About 4000 species have been described, but only 1% of them are considered to be pests. Most of them are found on tropical rain forest floor for decaying leaves, under bark, in caves and holes in the ground, etc. Most of them The cockroaches we know are domicile pests or pests in places that sell food.

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Ordinary house flies, Musca domestic L, are scattered in most places in the world. They are usually found in close contact with human habitation and are spread widely in tropical countries. This species is commonly found in evenly distributed places with humans and has adapted itself very well to the human environment.

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There are about 3450 species and subspecies of mosquitoes, all of which belong to 38 genera. All of them belong to the Culicidae family which are distributed to three subfamily i.e. Toxorhyncholinae, Anofelin and Kulsin. Sprinkles of mosquitoes in almost all over the world are found in all tropical regions and simple climates stretching to the Arctic Heritage.

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Rats and mice cause huge problems throughout the world by exploiting the natural environment created by humans. Rodent is part of the most continuous and most dangerous enemy. Where humans go, this rodent joins with him, bringing with him various germs to humans such as plague, jaundice, food poisoning, etc. -other parts of the structure of the building.

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Termites are insects included in the order Isoptera. Termites are highly social insects, which is because they live and work in groups that have a large number of members working together. These groups are known as colonies. Termites also have a highly organized system of functions and tasks. Different types of termites perform different tasks, known as castes.

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